The odyssey robert fagles
The odyssey robert fagles

Robert Fagle's translation was very accessible- and well annotated- the best part was the glossary of characters in the back- helped keep straight an estimated 400 characters discussed in the poem-although only a handful drive the main story line. We have all heard many of the elements of this book as it is cited often, but reading it in its entirety really ties it all together. It is the ultimate story of leadership, relationships, innovation and creativity - It is filled with so many timeless themes - love, loyalty, adaptability, respect and an ancient view of the role of the Gods - and so much more that that I won't even try to summarize here. Well, this is a 2800 year old epic poem that is the second oldest work of Western Literature - and it easy to see why! The sequel to the Iliad, it is the story of Odysseus's 20 year trip home after the Trojan battle for Troy concluded.

The odyssey robert fagles