They can also help people see how an existing problem can change. Stories can simulate what can happen, as well as provide motivation to do it. Identity appeals often surpass self-interest: “Don’t mess with Texas” was a slogan used on a campaign to reduce littering on Texas roadways, and it was emotional enough not only for Texans to stop littering themselves, but also take pride in their cleaner roadways. People care about other people, not numbers. This was similar to the Emotional section in Contagious book. There were definitely some overlapping elements with the Robert Cialdini’s Influence book’s Authority section here: People want to follow credible, knowledgable experts, and the ideas they endorse.

An idea endorsed by someone credible is way more sticky than one that is not. Ideas get credibility through outside authorities, or from within through vivid details. To make an idea concrete, use sensory language (like Aesop’s fables) or paint a picture (man on the moon!) Credible Kennedy’s dream of putting a man on the moon by the end of the decade was concrete, and thus sticky enough to actually get the job done. The chapter refers to the example of a Nordstrom sales staff who accepted used snow tires from a customer who wanted to return them, even though Nordstrom doesn’t sell snow tires! It’s so unexpected, and the idea so sticky that Nordstrom is now known for its impeccable customer service. You have to make your audience want to listen to you for the idea to stick afterwards. To keep attention of your audience, use curiosity gaps. UnexpectedĪ sticky message is unexpected - it violates the norm, it’s packed with a punch. It’s always good if you can simplify your idea enough so that communicate with an analogy. Southwest’s core message is that they are THE low fare airline. It ruthlessly focuses on the core of your message.

Simplicity is all about prioritizing the idea. In addition, the structuring of the book was similar - this book can be summed into one acronym as well: the SUCCESs model which defines the six traits that an idea needs to be sticky: Simple You’ll see a lot of overlapping elements from the previous review in this one.

This book is closely related to the Contagious book I reviewed last week - after all, for an idea to be contagious, it has to be sticky enough to be passed on along to at least more than one person.