Then put them back outside where they belong so that everything feels normal again! Stay Cool And Hydrated Bring them inside until after you have moved into your new residence. If there isn’t a place nearby that takes care of plants (such as a greenhouse). They’ll be less likely to miss their friends when they arrive at their new home. This will give them more space and make them happy – and if they’re already used to being around other animals. If possible, bring pets to a boarding facility. If you’re moving in the summer, it’s important to take care of your pets and plants. Medications/first aid kit/blankets/sleeping bags/camping gear (or whatever else is essential): Moving can be stressful on its own without having to worry about forgetting important things like medication or first aid supplies! Pack these essentials into separate bags so that they’re easy to find when needed later on down the road.If there’s no room in the car or truck for a cooler bag, consider packing some cold sandwiches or salads in Tupperware containers so they don’t get squashed during transit. If possible, pack any perishable items in an insulated cooler bag with plenty of ice packs or frozen water bottles – this will help keep them cool during transport (and once they’re there). Food and Water: You’ll need plenty of both for the move, but also for when you arrive at your new place.Now that you have a plan, it’s time to get moving. In addition, don’t leave any items sitting on top of other items in direct sunlight because this will increase their chances of getting damaged by heat or UV rays from the sun’s rays (which is what causes things like fading).